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© 2019 Development Unreal Creative. Tous droits réservés. Les marques/Logo/Produits citées sont notre propriété.
TVA incluse pour tous les prix (le cas échéant)


Anticorps is a strategy game for VR.


Humanity is threatened by a new type of infection, which does not kill people directly, but drives them crazy, the earth is plunged into chaos, faced with this threat of a new kind, no treatment, no medicine can stop the viruses, urgently the global health agency has developed a new technical to try to treat the sick.


The player is miniaturized in a medicine, swallowed by the patient, once the infected zone is found, the drug unfolds but the antibody is not yet active, it will be necessary to use the terrain created by the drug to create a colony, recover resources to build fixed defenses that will protect the antibody as it develops.

You will have weapons too.



- Procedural generation of the terrain

- Procedural generation of waves of enemies and paths taken.

- Each part is different.

- Tutorial - 9 modes of play at launch.

- FR / Eng at launch.

- Scoring / leaderbord


Anticorps Vr KitLast
9,7 Mo

Documentation Fr & Eng, Press Kit ------------->